Blackhead and Facial Hair Remover
You’ll Need:
1 egg white
tissue paper (Kleenex
makeup brush
- Also Read : How To Get Rid Of Facial Hair Naturally
In a small bowl, beat the egg white until frothy using a fork.
Before applying the mask, make sure your face is clean and free of any dirt or makeup.
Use a clean makeup brush to dip into the egg white and apply all over your face. Go over your entire face twice.
You can choose whether you just want to apply to blackhead or facial hair areas or all over.
Apply the tissue paper on your face, tearing it into pieces to fit different parts of your face.
Press down so that it sticks to the egg, then dip the brush into the egg again. Apply on top of the tissue.
Allow to dry for about 40 minutes or until the tissue feels hard and your skin feels tight.
After the 40 minutes are up, gently pull the mask upwards.
Once the entire mask is off, rinse off with warm water and pat dry.
Repeat once or twice a week.
- Also Read : How to Remove Deep Blackheads
Your skin will feel incredibly soft and clean, and you’ll immediately see blackheads and facial hair on the tissue paper.
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